Ascenso Torre Colpatria – Bogota,
Colombia – December 8th
December 6th – Embarking on the
Colombian Adventure
I embarked on my journey from Chicago
around 9:30 am. My day went something like this, sit in the airport
for 2 hours, sit on a plane to Miami for 3 hours (watching a stupid
movie that actually ended up being shown on 3 out of the 4 flights on
this trip), wander the Miami airport for 2-3 hours until I found
Cindy Harris and her husband James, then sit on another plane to
bogota for 3.5 hours.
We finally arrived at the airport in
bogota, it was a crowded mess. I followed the masses towards the
customs area, the agent asked me if I was there for business or as a
tourist. I wanted to tell him that I was there to climb a tower but
figured he wouldn’t care nor would he take lightly to me trying to
have a pleasant conversation so I just told him I was tourist.
We exited the airport and there was a
mob of people behind a fence, I was hoping maybe I’d see someone
with my name on a sign, seemed like that would be worthy of a
picture. I saw Mischa (the president of towerrunning) and I waved at
him several times but he didn’t seem to recognize me. Finally he
looked over and held up a sign with my name on it, I smiled and
headed in that direction. We rounded the corner and saw some of the
European climbers who were waiting for us to arrive. I was
incredibly happy to see a friendly face! We piled all our luggage
into the car and headed towards the city. It was a bumpy ride in
traffic (I could compare it to my ride with Kevin Crossman out to
mailbox peak in seattle, ie I didn’t feel so great)
December 7th – Press
Conference and Exploring
The race director briefed us about the
race, he told us where we would be starting and showed us where we
would have to run (probably about 100 m before getting to the
stairwell). The race would have 5,000 climbers starting in the
morning, the elite climbers were slated to start around 11:45 but we
were suppose to arrive at 9:00. we would start in waves of 5-10
climbers. I was put into a group with Julia and 3 Colombian chicks.
Cindy and Christina were starting in the wave behind us with 4
Colombians. The elite guys would go after them.
We took the elevator up to the 48th
floor and then went to the heliport so we could see where we would
finish. I could tell it was going to be an interesting jaunt to the
top once we exited the stairwell on the 48th floor but
we’ll save those details for the race portion of this blog. We
took some more pictures on the roof, the view was incredible.
A few of us decided we wanted to climb
a little bit to get a feeling for the stairwell. Cindy and I climbed
about 25 floors at an easy pace. The stairs were tiny and the
railing was incredibly fat, I could barely fit my hand around it. I
liked the landing though because it allowed me to only take one step
and sometimes I didn’t even need to step on the landing, I could
just swing my foot onto the step of the next flight! We took a few
more pictures then exited the building for the day. During the 25
floor climb, I could tell I was breathing a little heavier than
normal because of the altitude but overall I was feeling alright.
I didn’t know how long the run would
take, there were several sharp turns, maybe 20 seconds? I decided
that I would check my watch at floor 24, figured that was about
halfway maybe a little less including dash to the heliport. I did
the math and thought maybe 4:00-4:15 seemed like a good goal. My
coach does the math so I wasn’t all that confident about what I had
calculated, ha. I told myself I wouldn’t put much pressure on
myself for this race because of the altitude and phenomenal Colombian
athletes, I just wanted to enjoy the experience and do my best but I
was definitely feeling the stress and anxiety.
December 8th – Tower Time!
My pre-race ritual was kinda out of
whack since we were starting later. Usually I get up, consume
several cups of coffee, get a good jolt going then eat a banana about
1-1.5 hours before the race. I usually warm-up with a 10 minute jog
or some stairs in the hotel. Bounce around some more before the
start to get the blood flowing to my legs. This time, the routine
was messed. We met for breakfast at 7:30 so I had 2 cups of coffee,
a bowl of oatmeal and a tiny banana.
The elites were starting at 11:45 but
we had to be over at the race around 9:00. They had an elite VIP
tent for us to wait around in. we were all kind of annoyed about
having to be there so early. It was chilly standing around, my toes
were already going numb. the winners of the race got a car so it was
parked in the VIP section, Tomas and Piotr decided that would be
their secret spot to hideout. The rest of us sat around, stood and
watched the other climbers dash to the stairwell and just kinda
walked around. Then it was time for another press conference, I
couldn’t really understand any of it though since it was all in
We walked to the starting area. We
still had 10-15 minutes before we were supposed to start. We were
jogging around in a little loop trying to warm-up. They called my
number 80, so I toed the line with the other 3 girls (one group in
our didn’t show up). Now I was really freaking out, one of the
girls grabbed my shirt and number to see what it was and another
asked if I was the Italian, I told her no I'm American. There was a
group of other normal climbers in front of us, I was worried that we
were going to start right behind them and I’d have to fight to get
past them in the stairwell. They let that group go then told us we
had another 10 minutes. Are you kidding me? I'm on the starting
line, heart racing, palms sweaty and you tell me that I have to wait
another 10 minutes? It was back to the hamster wheel mini warm-up
After 10+ minutes, we stepped up to the
line again, I turned around to Cindy and Christina and wished them
both luck. As I stood at the line, I could see everyone snapping
pictures, video cameras and people cheering. They started a
countdown. Diez, nueve, ocho…tres, dos, uno, bang! We were off! I
took off like a jack rabbit, my legs felt fresh, the ground was
slick, the first turn was a bit rough on the wet pavement then there
was another sharp turn into the building, I needed something to grab
onto to spin myself into there. I was battling elbows with a
Colombian, we rounded another sharp corner into the hallway and one
last sharp right turn into the stairwell, I was the first to reach
the steps.
The 2 Colombian girls sprinted up the
stairs, I knew that wasn’t my tactic so I grabbed the rail and got
into a rhythm. I could hear the girl in front of me, her feet were
pounding and she was breathing heavily. I just kept my pace, those
tiny baby steps worked in my favor and not having to step on the
landing was also very beneficial. The floors ticked by quickly,
around 10 or 20, I could feel my legs getting a little tired and I
was breathing incredibly heavy due to the altitude. I checked my
watch floor 24, 3:24. Wow a bit faster than my predictions but who
really knows what that means anyway. I caught up to the Colombian
and hung behind her for a floor or two before finally squeezing past
on one of the landings. She was nice enough about it and didn’t
battle me for the spot, mightve even offered some words of
This race was flying by! The next
thing I knew it was floor 38 and I only had 10 floors to go plus the
climb to the roof. At this point I told myself I needed to pick up
the pace, my legs feeling full of lactic acid. They were heavy and I
tried to pick up the pace, made it a couple of stairs. With the
narrow stairwell, I could reach both rails so I used that to my
advantage and yanked on both of those. Ok, only like 5 floors to go.
Got to like 47 or 48 and half of the stairwell was blocked off with
a ribbon and forced you to the inside, turned the corner on the
landing and there was a ramp to run up. I picked up my speed, my
legs were wobbly but I forced them to run, I saw a mat and thought I
was finished. I had totally forgot about the rickety metal staircase
outside, I ran down the hallway and saw that thing. Screw the rail,
this isn’t the time to be methodical or conserve energy, this is
the time to go. Give it all I had. So I ran up that thing as fast
as I could, I staggered onto the helipad, looked for the mat and saw
I still had to run another 20 feet to the finish, my legs barely
wanted to stand. I crossed the mat and wanted to collapse but the
ground was hard, wet and muddy.
I’m pretty sure I was white like a
ghost, several paramedic type people grabbed me. I could barely
speak, I was breathing so heavy and walking was almost impossible. I
kept trying to tell them that I wanted to sit, all I could say was
sit, sit, they led me over to the med tent.
I finally looked at my watch – 7:14!
Are you fricken kidding me?!? There is no way I pulled that off, how
in the world did that happen. I had no expectations, I was thinking
id be lucky to get under 8:00 and here I was at 7:14. I was
incredibly excited and I had finished 2nd in my group.
I sat there for a while, tried to stand
up and walk around, I was lightheaded, my legs didn’t work. I saw
the next group of girls getting to the top so I went over to the
finish area, I saw Cindy come up and the paramedics scooped her up as
soon as she crossed the mat, carried her over to the med tent.
I was standing around and my throat was
burning, I couldn’t stop coughing, I had a headache. I felt like I
was gonna be sick so I went to the corner for a while then I just sat
on the ground afraid to get up or try to move. My legs were twitchy
and spazzing.
The guys started to pop up onto the
top, I got up to see them finish. Several of them were dragged to
the med tent, the altitude attributed to some massive carnage at this
We went downstairs to check the
results, my time was 7:13 and I was 6th. 2nd
for the international girls (who included Cindy, Christina, Julia and
myself), Cindy beat me by 1 second! Her race was a bit more
difficult than mine because she got caught behind a few people and
had to exert more energy to pass them. I got lucky with my starting
I thought maybe I’d struggle to make
the top 10 at this race so being 6th was amazing. I felt
like I climbed an excellent race and put it all out there, really
excelled on that rickety scary metal staircase. We got a copy of
the results that showed peoples time at floor 48 and then at the
heliport. I made up some time in that little snippet of the climb, I
was even faster than some of the guys during that portion of the
Since this race was considered the
world finals, they had an awards ceremony for the towerrunning world
cup. With Cindy's 5th place finished, she bumped me out
and took 2nd place, I finished 3rd for the 2nd
year in a row and Christina took home the world cup trophy. It was
such an incredible feeling standing on the podium with those 2
ladies, both are tremendous climbers and I felt honored to be up
there with them.
The Colombian Experience -
The city was a little beat up and rusty
but the Colpatria Tower was lit up at night with changing colors.
The first morning we were there, I really wanted to go for a run, I
was feeling antsy and wanted to explore. I walked outside, looked
down the street and figured I should just stay inside. I promised my
dad I wouldn’t run alone, so it was time for breakfast instead.
Wednesday afternoon after all the media
sessions, I ventured out exploring with Norbert. It was raining so
we didn’t make it too far. Found a little mall type area near our
hotel so wandered around in there before finally chilling at a coffee
shop for a bit. The fancy cappuccinos were awesome. That night
there were fireworks from the Colpatria Tower so I rushed outside to
watch, some were even coming from the sides of the to tower.
Post-race on Thursday we went in the other direction and found
another crepe and coffee shop. They had tons of veggie friendly
crepes, too bad it wasn’t dinner time yet!
There was a nearby mountain that had a
cable car type thing to take you to the top but it was kinda dark and
rainy so decided against that. There are a ton of street vendors
sending miscellaneous goods/foods and military police everywhere. My
favorite was the guy with colored popcorn!! He gave me a handful for
free and it just happened to be all orange!
Since we were invited to this race, we
didn’t have to pay to eat in the hotel which had a 24-hour
restaurant. The food wasn’t all the vegan friendly though
especially with the language barrier. Thursday night after the race,
I was going through almond/peanut butter withdrawal. I really wanted
to make a sandwich but I couldn’t even get some plain toasted
bread. All they wanted to give me was garlic bread. Mmm almond
butter with remnants of garlic herb butter, ha.
Afterthoughts -
I kept wondering if I deserved this
tremendous experience, if I was good enough to be invited to a race
of this caliber. I always doubt myself and what I'm capable of. I
want to get faster, I want to close the gap between me and the best
climbers in the world, I want to feel like I deserve this, that I fit
in with this elite crowd. I want to dedicate my training to getting
better, it has to be about stairs.
I am truly grateful for this amazing
experience, I am a ball of excitement and a bag of mixed emotions. I
want to have more of this, I want other unique races. The stair
climbs around the world are more geared towards the race, the
community is excited, theres full-fledged media, big prizes and just
a wonderful atmosphere. The races in the US are more focused on the
charity aspect of it instead of stair climbing being a legit sport
that deserves recognition. Although I suppose if the races did start
offering up prize money, then professional athletes would come out of
the woodworks and I would be left in the dust. In 2012, I’d like
to hit a race or two on the European circuit and perhaps I'll get
invited to a new invitational race in Austria. I’m gonna need some
cash for this sport so who wants to sponsor me?!?
Next up the CF Climb for Life at 300 N.
LaSalle in Chicago on December 11th. Then it’s a bunch
more of my secret training (that seems to be working since im blazing
workouts and getting faster) until the Aon Building in Chicago the
end of January. The CF climb kicks off the season and once Aon hits,
its back to back races for weeks on end, I'm ready to push it to new
limits :)
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