it up a notch – november 25, 2011
sears, I decided to literally and figuratively start stepping up my
training a few notches. I want to get faster and be more competitive
with the top female climbers around the world. I figured now is the
best time to start making big gains for the 2012 climbing season. my
goal races to start 2012 are empire (although the organization of
that race for next is a bit odd and frustrating), hancock and
presidential towers. I also have a few smaller races tossed in there
for fun.
mind is totally focused on going vertical and like my coach said
“flat is for the birds”, im not really sure what that means but
it sounded like good advice. Ive started thinking in terms of how
high can I go instead of how far. My mindset has changed which is
difficult for me because my standard running is getting put on the
back burner, everything I do has to have a specific purpose and it
needs to have a stair oriented result.
ive said before, the specifics of my training are to remain a secret
except for a few select individuals who have insider knowledge but im
excited to try something different to see what the outcome might be,
im also really looking forward to the new challenges that lay UP
actually found myself smiling during my past couple of stair
workouts, usually its more of a grimace from the pain but this time,
I was enjoying myself and loving ever second of it. When we climb
the Z tower, even a slower easier pace seems to be unpleasant but
recently, something has come over me.
Practice Climb

wanted to climb at least 5 times and maybe hit 6 or 7 if we had time.
We entered the stairwell and the stairs were quite unique, it was
bright and yellow! There were several small flights that kinda
weaved around, a few short landings, a few long landings and I
thought to myself, neat, cool, I like this stairwell. Well the
uniqueness ended around floor 5 then it was a bit more cookie cutter
– 10 or 11 steps per flight and turned to the right. The stairwell
had a double rail on the inside which was awkward and was very wide
so using both rails was virtually impossible.

workout started to turn into an ultimate climb, how many of these
suckers can we get in before time runs out?!? we smashed through
another 3 climbs, so were at 7 total. Ok, we have to do at least 8
and had about 20 minutes left. So we went up for the 8th
climb, when we got to the top, I said ok we got 10 minutes left, lets
crank out a 9th one. So we went for it, that one was a
bit rough but well worth it. Not bad for a sunday morning –
climbing a 45 floor buildng 9 times (over an hour of actual climbing)
and smiling and laughing and enjoying it. There might be something
wrong with me...
I really wanted to hit the stairs. My usual training building wasnt
gonna be accessible so I had no choice but to hit the stairs in my
office building. The issue with my building is that its only 15
floors, the steps are tiny and the doors are all locked so I have to
walk all the way back down to start over again. The last time I did
a serious workout in there, my calves were trashed from descending so
many times.
workout, I thought maybe I could sneak by without the soreness so I
put the calf sleeves on, turned on the ipod and ventured into the
stairwell. I wanted to play in there for at least 45 minutes to an
hour. Was also gonna do an easy paced workout with no rail. The
tower is so small and with the easy pace only takes me like 2:20 to
get to the top so the ascending and descending time was about
4:40-5:00. i'd get to the top, spin around and head down. Get to
the bottom, spin around and head right back up. No stoppage time.
time was breezing by, 30 minutes gone, ok halfway through this
workout. Still feeling good, legs would feel a little wobbly on the
first step or two going down but then I was back to normal. I found
myself smiling again, what the heck? Ive been in a dingy stairwell
for 30 minutes and I was smiling. 45 minutes gone, only about 3 or 4
climbs left. Finished up at an hour so about 30 minutes of climbing
and 30 minutes of wandering down. I left with a giant smile on my
face :)
little while later, ran a short run with my dad and tacked on a
couple of extra miles to make it 5 miles total. A decent day, in the
stairwell for an hour and a 5 mile run, ill take it.
that night, I was feeling a bit creaky as I walked around my house.
Coming down my stairs was quite unpleasant. I could feel the
soreness creeping in. the next morning I woke up and felt like I
could barely move! My calves were trashed, my quads were
obliterated, oh man. I was limping around like I just ran a
marathon. I havent been this sore in a while, it messed with my spin
and run on thursday morning. My workouts for friday had to be
reevaluated as well. Thats what I get for being stubborn and wanting
the stairs so bad, had to give into my obsession and craving and now
im paying for it. But it was so totally worth it...
– back in the stairwell, my legs are gonna hate me but at least im
back in my normal training building so I wont have to walk down 15
floors over and over again!
is right around the corner, good times to be had.
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